CAMP INFOrmation
July 1st - August 30th​​​
Monday - Friday; 8:30am - 4:00pm ​​
Campers from age 4 or 5 (and must be entering kindergarten in the Fall of 2024) through age 14 ​
Fees: $200 per week
Campers arrive between 8:30-9:00am
Circle time is 9:00-9:15, where we go over rules of the camp, address any issues that have arisen, introduce our staff
Free play from 9:15 to 10:15
Snack at 10:15
Free play from 10:30-12.
Lunch from 12-12:30
Play from 12:30-2
Snack at 2-2:15
Play from 2:15 to 3:30
Clean up at 3:30
Parent pick up by 4pm.
2024 Summer Camp Dates:
July 1 - August 30
Weekly Fee:
click the button below for the registration packet.
For additional information,
please contact Nancy Hall at BrooktondaleSummerCamp@gmail.com
or 607.539.7515
About Our Camp
We are a play-based camp and emphasize outdoor play. We have multiple outdoor covered areas along with a playground and a large field for group games.
We offer daily:
Board games
Outdoor activities
2 snacks
Scheduled group play along with supporting self-directed play with supervision
Campers provide their own lunches, while we provide 2 snacks daily.
Our staff to camper ratio is usually around 1:6 or 7 (NYS requires 1:10).
We have campers from 4 (must be entering kindergarten Fall 2024)-14 years of age; we do not break into age groups; everyone plays together.
We try to schedule outside visitors at least once a week; artists, gardeners, special programming.
We also schedule a group outdoor activity/game twice a day, morning and afternoon. Children join in as they feel comfortable, usually something they all are familiar with like kickball, Gaga ball, tag, etc.
We do not allow electronics in any form.
Please fill out one
form per child.
Please submit registration
forms to Nancy Hall at BrooktondaleSummerCamp@gmail.com
Camp Payment
Payment options for the $25 per week attending deposit and/or weekly fee (Venmo or check preferred):
To pay using Venmo
(please note what the payment is for):
To pay with a check:
Make check payable to "Brooktondale CC" with your child's name in the memo.
Mail to BCC Summer Camp, P.O. Box 135, Brooktondale, NY 14817
For PayPal or a credit card:
Click the Buy Now button below or scan the QR code to be taken directly to the BCC PayPal account.